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Discover The Thrill Of The Haspa Marathon Hamburg

Discover the Thrill of the Haspa Marathon Hamburg

Start Platzweitergabe: In-Person Pickup Required

For those eager to participate in the iconic Haspa Marathon Hamburg, please note that start place transfers can only be processed on-site during the start document distribution. Ensure a smooth experience by arranging for in-person presence.

Experience the Grandeur of Germany's Largest Marathon

Immerse yourself in the electrifying atmosphere of the Haspa Marathon Hamburg, a renowned event that draws thousands of runners from around the globe. With a distance of 42.195 km, it stands as the largest marathon in Germany, promising an unforgettable experience for all participants.

A Legacy of Excellence from Marathon Hamburg Veranstaltungs GmbH

For over a decade, the Marathon Hamburg Veranstaltungs GmbH (MHV) has meticulously organized this prestigious event, ensuring the highest standards of execution and creating cherished memories for countless runners. Their dedication to excellence guarantees a seamlessly organized and unforgettable race day experience.
